Category: Estate Planning and Administration

Importance Of Estate Planning

Estate Planning in Zimbabwe

The landmark case of Chigwada v Chigwada has yet again set the clock back for married women, mostly. The institution of marriage in Zimbabwe has been put under bad spotlight as the issue of spousal disinheritance has been brought to the fore. The Supreme Court has set the legal position straight and dealt with the confusion within the judiciary on the matter, as seen through the numerous conflicting High court cases discussed below. Section 71(2) of the Constitution highlights ones right to own property, which will be explored in this article.


Prior to this case there was no uniform approach to such matters with each judge passing a decision that contradicted the others. One may look at the Deceased Estates Succession Act, Section 3A which provides,

3. Inheritance of matrimonial home and household effects the surviving spouse of every person who, on or after the date of commencement of the Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 1997, dies wholly or partly intestate shall be entitled to receive from the free residue of the estate —
(a) the house or other domestic premises in which the spouses or the surviving spouse, as the case may be, lived immediately before the person’s death;
(b) the household goods and effects which, immediately before the person’s death, were used in relation to the house or domestic premises referred to in paragraph (a)where such house, premises, goods and effects form part of the deceased person’s estate.

It can be interpreted from the above, that one cannot disinherit their spouse. In the 2013 case of Chimbari NO v Madzima and Ors it was found that a spouse could not disinherit their significant other in terms of Section 5(3)(a) of the Will Act. However, The Wills Act provides for freedom of testation; and this interpretation was preferred in the 2016 matter of Roche v Middleton where it was held that a spouse could do as they please with their property. The Chigwada case has cleared any spousal inheritance related confusion by highlighting that real rights trump personal rights that a spouse has over property not in their names.


The case has set the precedent that a spouse, through a valid Will, may dictate whatever they wish regarding their property, including disinheriting their spouse.


Married people, especially wives, are encouraged to heed the clarion call to safeguard their interests in matrimonial property. Given that a spouse can legally disinherit the other through a Will, spouses are encouraged to both own shares in the property to avoid exclusion from inheritance upon the death of the other.

The issue of estate planning comes into play, where spouses should consider their rights as well as those of their children and other dependents. The setting up of Family Trusts is a good way to safeguard such property interests, especially immovable property. It should be noted that an advantage of this is that the Courts are hesitant to interfere with property held in Trust, such property is usually excluded from legal battles and even divorce proceedings. Estate planning is encouraged, and couples are advised to also consider drafting joint Wills, to prevent any unwarranted surprises on the death of a spouse. It is concluded that investing in Estate Planning is crucial and cannot be over emphasised. Women are especially encouraged to be more proactive when it comes to the acquisition and registration of property rights to ensure that on the day of reckoning they will not be found wanting. When it comes to Estate Planning, you are better safe than sorry. Pause and ponder on these questions – “Have you thought about your inheritance?”, “Do you have a Will?” “Have you set up a family Trust?” If you have answered no to any of these, the best time to change to a yes is now!

The article has been produced for information purposes only – get in touch with us for assistance.

Removal of an Executor of a Deceased Estate

An executor is a person appointed to administer a deceased estate. In most cases they are lawyers registered as estates administrators. There are two ways in which an executor can be appointed to administer a deceased estate. That is, by way of nomination in a will and by appointment by the Master of the High Court where the deceased dies without a will.

An executor holds a position of trust and where such trust has been breached by failure to administer an estate he or she may be removed from such position. An executor has a fiduciary duty towards the estate hence he or she must act in a manner that safeguards and protects the estate and interests of the beneficiaries.

A chamber application is made to the High Court by the Master of the High Court for the removal of the executor. The court will not lightly interfere with the duties of an executor, except in situations where it is clearly established that the executor is grossly negligent in performing his or her duties. The conduct of the executor must be detrimental to the effects of the estate. The conduct complained of must be of such serious degree that if the executor is allowed to continue with the administration of the estate, the estate would not be protected and there will be further prejudice to the interests of the beneficiaries. The complaints against the conduct of the executor are raised to the Master who then applies to the High Court for the removal of the executor.

Other instances when an executor can be removed from such a position are as follows;

  • When the executor was not qualified for appointment to such office or the appointment was illegal.
  • When executor is mentally or physically incapable of performing his or her duties satisfactorily.
  • When executor is no longer suitable to hold such office in the opinion of the Master.

When an executor is removed from office, the Master will revoke any letters of administration or any confirmation granted to that person. The executor will however remain liable to account for his or her administration and management of the estate prior to his or her removal.

This article is for general information purposes only, legal advice must be sought in any aspect of the law.

Administration of Deceased Estates Simplified

The process of administration of deceased estates is known by many to be complex and difficult to understand. Here is a generally simplified article on administration of deceased estates for general information purposes.

The aim and purpose of administering an estate is to finalise the financial affairs of the deceased. To ensure that any assets may be handed over to the heirs or beneficiaries and that there are no further assets or debts due. This role is played by a person called an executor who may be appointed in a will left by the deceased or by the Master of the High Court where there is no will. The executor will be issued with the Letters of Administration legally authorising him or her to administer the estate. The executor’s duty is to ensure that the creditors including all administration fees and duties are satisfied first then award legatees (heirs or beneficiaries mentioned in a will) what is due to them and finally deal with the residuary heirs.

The stages in estates administration may be classified and summarised as follows.

  1. Obtaining appointment as executor (Letters of Administration)
  2. Liquidation of the assets and paying creditors
  3. Preparation of the estates accounts
  4. Finalising and handing over the assets to the heirs

This article is for general information purposes only. Legal advice must be sought in any aspect of the law.